Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Safe Cycling

  1. Brakes that work.
  2. When you want to turn left or right on the road put your left or right  hand out.
  3. Bike on the left side of the road.
  4. Make sure you pump up your tyres.
  5. Make sure you have a red light on your bike because it will be illegal drive on the road.

Rules about helmets
Make sure you have a helmet in case you crash.

I got this top image from

I got the bottom 3 Photo from

1. This photo means not that far ahead of you are some traffic lights

2.    This means that not far ahead is a slip and can fall on y at any time.
I got the bottom 3 Photo from

This means slow down
because there is a bump that could make you crash.


  1. Excellent summarising of the rules, Daniel.

    Do you think you can follow them?

  2. wow amazing work it's fabulous
    Now I know what the rule's are

  3. Awesome Dan great research skills!!!


  4. Cool Daniel
    I like the tagxedo it is a really good idea. I like all of the signs and what they mean.

  5. Cool Daniel.
    This are some great signs that will help me on the road.
    Good job ,
    From Brody.
