Sunday, April 29, 2012

Monday Morning

“HURRY UP DANIEL, I don't have all day”. Ok, I'm up Mum (good boy jokes). I want to stay in bed a little bit longer, please?, only for a few minutes and then I will get out of bed. Bang! I whacked my head on my floor. I got up, the first thing I heard was my alarm going beep! Beep! Beep! it was crazy, I turned it off finally. I looked out my window and I saw my Dad's macadamia tree and it was flowering for the first time ever. I woofed my breakfast in a single flash and I was all ready to go to school. I waved goodbye to my Mum and Dad as I went to school.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Piece of writing Daniel
    That seems about like my house on Monday mornings
