My Special place is my batch because I can do stuff with my family like fishing, getting rock lobsters under a rock, playing rugby and sport with my family and friends. When I'm sometimes bored I go see people like Stefan, Ollie, George, jack and Angus at the Christian Camp down the road where he stays with his family and friends. Sometimes I go hunting in the middle of the night with my Dad and his friends and we get animals. We also go eeling and I get my fishing rod and Hamish my friend next door comes with me a lot. Sometimes they have dinner with my family. Most of the time Hamish, Bridget, Shannon and I play spot light. Other times Stefan, Ollie, George, and Angus come over. Once Stefan asked if he could have a go on the motorbike and I said yes. Stefan did a humongous skid in our backyard.
I like it Dan. The batch is a special place for us. Dad and I are pleased that you call it your special place.