Bow The front of the boat.
Stern The back of the boat.
Port Left side of the Yacht.
Starboard Right side of the Yacht.
Bailing Getting the water out of the boat with a bucket.
Becalmed Lack of wind.
Capsizing The boat turning over and the person falling out.
Tiller The handle is used to steer the yacht / rudder.
Man Overboard A person that falls out and is in the water.
Offshore The wind will be blowing out to the sea.
Onshore The wind will be blowing onto the shore.
Rigging The Boat Getting the yacht prepared.
Hull The main part of the yacht.
Tacking Going into the wind.
Gibing Sailing with the wind.
Heeling Over Tipping over..
In Irons Is when the boat is sailing directly into the wind.
Luffing When the boat is steered far enough to the direction of the wind.
Running With Wind When the wind is coming directly from behind the boat.
Mayday A person in trouble and also might say Mayday.
Upwind Against the direction of the wind.