Sunday, April 29, 2012

Monday Morning

“HURRY UP DANIEL, I don't have all day”. Ok, I'm up Mum (good boy jokes). I want to stay in bed a little bit longer, please?, only for a few minutes and then I will get out of bed. Bang! I whacked my head on my floor. I got up, the first thing I heard was my alarm going beep! Beep! Beep! it was crazy, I turned it off finally. I looked out my window and I saw my Dad's macadamia tree and it was flowering for the first time ever. I woofed my breakfast in a single flash and I was all ready to go to school. I waved goodbye to my Mum and Dad as I went to school.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Daniels reflection for white water rafting

Reflection for camp
Something I was pleased with was white water rafting because I learnt how to paddle because I really enjoyed learning how to make rock music underwater with our paddles because it keeps you entertained.

· Something I found hard was keeping it up.
· Something that made me think was when Mike told us about the walls

…because…it was interesting.

· Something I want to get better at is paddling.

Carnage Corner from Kieren Moriarty on Vimeo.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

A good leader

                                                            A good leader        

Picture from Google image search.

I think Richie McCaw is a good leader because he shows determination, never gives up and he shows sportsmanship at all time. He never hogs the ball. Richie also sends nice postcards to rugby players under 13 and they say be nice to your Teachers and play on the field. Richie's super rugby team is Crusaders! and his position is loose forward. He is captain of the All Blacks and Crusaders.  Richie was the one who inspired me to play rugby. Now I Love RUGBY!, because of Richie Mccaw!                    

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Diary of Dexter the Dog

Dear diary Tuesday 3
  • AM 7:00 Good morning everyone, running through the house, my favourite thing.
  • AM 8:00 Pat time, favorite thing.
  • AM 9:00 Morning sleep time.
  • AM11:00 Tug of war, my favorite thing.
  • PM 1:00 Afternoon sleep my favorite thing.
  • PM 3:00 Family time, trampoline time my favorite thing
  • PM 5:00 Licking time, my favorite thing.
  • PM 7:00 Dinner time, my favourite, favourite, favourite thing.
  • PM 9:00 Time to go outside, not my favorite thing.  
  • PM 11:00 Bedtime yes! my favorite thing (snoring.......).
  • AM  1:00 Puppy dreams, my favourite thing. GOOD NIGHT.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sanding tall

Standing Tall on Story bird I chose this because it's about a boy who asks question a lot. And it's about feelings.   Story bird